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Welcome to A Day In The Life of Sarah
A Mom Saving Memories

This blog is all about my life as a Christian single mother of four young children, one of whom is autistic. I blog about everything from funny stories to serious inspirations. Check out "Sarah's Savvy Savings" to read my time and money saving tips! If you are hunting for something specific check out the labels list on the sidebar or you can browse through the archives. Feel free to leave comments! I'd love to hear your funny stories and advice!

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Explosions, Burns and Spoiled Turkey! Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Today started off like most Sundays. I got up bright and early and had everyone bathed, fed and looking their Sunday best by 9 am. We arrived at church with plenty of time to spare and I must admit I was proud of my accomplishment! I was particularly proud that Mariah had a barrette in her hair and kept it there until we came back home from church! She can't stand having her hair messed with and I've given up on doing anything with it, but for some reason today was pleasantly different.
I sat down in Sunday School class and had to remove myself from the room 3 times to go cough my brains out. Why is it, you hardly realize you have a cough until you are at church! Then there's no stopping that cough! I finally found some hot water and that seemed to soothe my throat enough that I could sit and participate in the rest of the Sunday School hour, which by this point was down to an half hour. I enjoyed the rest of the morning at church. When I picked the kids up from children's church, I was greeted by a blue faced Mariah! Her teacher explained to me that they were coloring faces on balloons and Mariah decided to kiss hers! Her entire lips and cheeks were blue! So much for a nice mother/daughter picture on Mother's Day! I took my blue faced darling home along with her brothers who, thankfully, were not blue faced.
I managed to get the children to help me tidy up our house and gave them the "if you would keep this place clean during the week we wouldn't have to do this now" lecture. I think I lecture them to make me feel better because it surely doesn't help keep the house cleaner!
It was 4 o'clock, by the time the house was beginning to look like it had four walls and carpet once again. My parents were coming over for a nice peaceful Mother's Day dinner so I was cooking turkey, cranberry sauce and asparagus. My mom was bringing stuffing! yummy!
I had cooked the cranberries down and like I'd done several times before was going to blend them in my Magic Bullet blender and strain them so they would be nice and smooth. I remember the splatters that got all over last time when I used the blender so I decided to use the normal bullet cup. Less than a minute later, I would regret that decision! Apparently, when the manual says, "do not use with hot liquids", it means "Do Not Use With Hot Liquids!!!" I filled the bullet cup a little more than half way then proceeded to push it down on the bullet machine. BOOM!!! It literally exploded everywhere! I was covered in cranberry sauce! Very HOT cranberry sauce! After I got over the intial shock, I realized every splatter on my face and arms was burning me! So I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror where I saw red blotches all over my face. I immediately began rinsing my face with cold water. My right eye had been hit with sauce and was beginning to feel very burnt, along with my upper lip. I called my mom who agreed to come right on over to help out. In the meantime, I put my kid's Clifford ice pack along with my soft clothe ice pack over my entire face. I concentrated on getting the cold on my eye and lip. By the time my parents arrived I was grateful that my burns were feeling like they were going to be all right. We sureveyed the damage to the kitchen together. What a mess! Bright red sauce was everywhere! Thanks to my parents, we had the whole place including ceiling, floor, cabinets, walls and more, cleaned up in no time at all! We decided chunky cranberry sauce would taste just fine for dinner!
We were able to laugh this incident off and were very thankful that my burns hadn't turned out to be worse. Then it came time to carve the turkey! As my mom was carving away, I snitched a bite. It tasted a little different, but I shrugged it off as having something to do with it being organic. Then my mom asked what I thought of it so I tasted another bite and agreed it did have an interesting flavor. My mom suggested it almost had a hint of almond. I took another bite and could definitely taste the almond flavor. My dad piped in that they must have fed this turkey almonds! My mom noticed that the white meat tasted more normal than the dark so I tested her theory out and again had to agree that she was indeed right. By this time, what began as a slight odd flavor was becoming a downright nasty taste. We all came to the conclusion that our much anticipated turkey dinner was literally going to the birds!!! That almond flavor was reclassified as spoiled turkey flavor! The problem with buying organic is there aren't any perservatives to keep the food from spoiling quickly! Lesson learned-buy the turkey, thaw the turkey, cook the turkey immediately!
What was going to be a scrumptious turkey dinner for Mother's Day turned out to be a Mother's Day dinner full of laughs and unforgettable memories as we recalled the days happenings! Oh and by the way we ate hotdogs with the scrumptious homemade stuffing my mom brought. Thanks for saving our Mother's Day Dinner, Mom! You are the Best :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys sure had a fascinating time! I guess even though the food wasn't perfect, you all will remember this day for a long long time! Eventful holidays are often so much more exciting than normal ones. I hope your burns from the sauce healed completely and your eye is ok too. Have a great week :)


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