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Welcome to A Day In The Life of Sarah
A Mom Saving Memories

This blog is all about my life as a Christian single mother of four young children, one of whom is autistic. I blog about everything from funny stories to serious inspirations. Check out "Sarah's Savvy Savings" to read my time and money saving tips! If you are hunting for something specific check out the labels list on the sidebar or you can browse through the archives. Feel free to leave comments! I'd love to hear your funny stories and advice!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Fire on the Ceiling!!!

My five year old, Jerry, has always preferred to sleep in total darkness. I've always thought it was a bit odd. Especially when both of my other kids sleep with their lights on. Nightlights don't even cut it with Zach and Mariah. They have to have their room light on, their doors open and the light in the hallway on! Yes, we have had long talks about my electrical bill!!! Then there's my Jerry, he wants the door shut, the curtain drawn and all the lights off.
Tonight, Jerry kept coming out of his room. He gave me this "story"about how the light was scaring him. Of course, this didn't make much sense to me so I acknowledged his fear and sent him on his way. But like a boomerang, he kept coming back to me mumbling about how he couldn't sleep. Finally, as I walked past his room he pointed to the ceiling and exclaimed, "It's like fire on the ceiling! I can't sleep with the fire on the ceiling!" Sure enough, I looked up and the lamp in the nearby room was casting a shadow that appeared as fiery flames on the ceiling!
It always fascinates me to see things through the eyes of a child! To think, for the last few years, Jeremiah has been scared of light at night because, in his eyes, it was a scary fiery flame!

1 comment:

  1. How interesting. Yep children always view the world in a very different and innocent way. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words and support for the wildlife :)


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