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Welcome to A Day In The Life of Sarah
A Mom Saving Memories

This blog is all about my life as a Christian single mother of four young children, one of whom is autistic. I blog about everything from funny stories to serious inspirations. Check out "Sarah's Savvy Savings" to read my time and money saving tips! If you are hunting for something specific check out the labels list on the sidebar or you can browse through the archives. Feel free to leave comments! I'd love to hear your funny stories and advice!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Pregnancy!

Well, I thought I should update everyone on my pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant on February 2nd! I'm due on October 7th! I know when you find out your pregnant and it's supposed to be nine months full of joy and expectation! But frankly after three HG pregnancies I was scared to death!

The following are excerpts taken from a slideshow I have on facebook which includes pictures. To see the facebook album go to:

My Pregnancy Album

HG is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the newborn(s). To learn more go to

I told everyone my "great" news and the joy lasted almost a whole week...then it hit like a brick...constant vomitting, dehydration, not being able to eat or drink...Over the next few weeks "The Puke Bucket" became my constant companion. If I was/am having a "great" day I might manage to eat some crackers. Perhaps, I could get a bit of apple juice down, too...but it never stays. Water became out of the question!

Alas, after three infusion center visits to get rehydrated, the PICC line was put in. That is, after two failed attempts due to spasming blood vessels.
On February 29, I received my PICC line and started in-home hydration.

The hydration and Zofran (drug normally used for chemo patients to prevent nausea) were not helping, hardly at all. It had been almost four weeks since I'd really eaten or drank so the doctor ordered TPN. TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) ensures that the baby and I are getting the nutrition we need.

The TPN runs for 24 hours via a pump, then the bag needs changed. Which includes adding three vials of vitamins and one vial of pepcid and one vial of Zofran to the bag. One would have thought all of this would have worked to get me feeling better and back to eating!!! Right? Wrong! In comes the Sub-Q. This "lovely" little pump puts the Zofran right under the skin in my upper leg. It runs 24 hours a day. When the site gets too irritated I have to switch to the other leg; about every 2-5 days! By the way, I hate needles, I hate pain!!

On March 18, The Zofran seems to finally be working! I ate a whole pack of crackers, yesterday!!!

As you can imagine, life goes on without you, for better or worse! The kids still need cared for (they are getting excellent full-time care at my parents house-Thank you mom and dad!), the bills keep coming, the pets want fed and watered, etc. So if you would keep my family in your prayers I would truly appreciate it! thank you:)

(Part 2 coming soon...)

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